Yesterday, we got to go and see one of the many places that Samaritan's Purse sends all those boxes that are lovingly packed by so many. This is one of those churches located in Hermosillo, that got sent numerous boxes. Pastors and people from their churches are waiting to take them back home from all over the area.. The churches request a certain number, and are given a 2 hour session explaining how they are to be distributed and how the Gospel is be shared at the time they are distributed. The people are accountable to report back to whom these gifts are given. Most of the time the number requested is more then the amount available to be given.
Some of the boxes leaving to head to the vehicles and be taken back to the village or town they will be distributed in...
There are about 16, I think that is what was said, in each of these big boxes...
People waiting for their numbers to be called...
More boxes...
That's awesome!